The Island

A new movie. Just watch it last Tuesday with my friends at The Mines. The film’s plot centres around a futuristic colony of people, blissfully unaware of any outside world. After a seemingly random amount of time, they are told they are being moved to “The Island,” supposedly a wondrous, utopian paradise. Lincoln Six-Echo (McGregor) … Read more

Uni or Student?

My comment on this…hm…’article’: i bet this guy never take Technical Communication. High possibility that he failed some subjects, thats why he needs to extend…maybe TechComm?!?! LoL!!! Seriously, TechComm is where you learn all the interview stuff. But of coz, not many of us taking it seriously since it is not a core subject. … Read more

Interesting stuff…

check it out… Something interesting…… Did you know that a flight number from one of the planes that hit one of the two WTC towers on 9/11 was Q33N. In Notepad / WordPad or MS Word, type in that flight number I.e Q33N. Increase the font size to 72 Change the font to Wingdings …… … Read more


Glad that I changed the name of my blog.. ^^;; Cause my friend also using the same blog name! My Bloggie! xD You can visit it here:


This is just another idea of mine. xD coz i saw several MMU online community, like MyMMU.Net The site is portal based, which i think very messy. Especially with side bar, and not-so-ease-on-eye skin/template. so, what is MMU-Online.Net? Well, since no one is using this domain, i think it is quite suitable for a MMU … Read more

Online Begging

I come across an anime fansite, which is about Bleach. The webmaster of the site actually asking the visitor of the site to donate to him so that he can buy a new computer. when i read this, i was like “WTF?”. Why the heck I need to give you money to buy the stuff … Read more