phpBB – Dying?

It’s been 2 years since phpBB have any major upgrade. For this whole 2 years, they only do some minor bugs fixes. Seriously, as an open source script (?) I think the development should be better since more people can get involved in coding the script. You see, phpBB is lagging way behind some other … Read more


Glad that I changed the name of my blog.. ^^;; Cause my friend also using the same blog name! My Bloggie! xD You can visit it here:


Quite interesting…read it HERE. Just imagine, we can read newspaper in total darkness! xD But this technology won’t be available till 2010, which is 5 years from now.

My PC is On The Web!

Finally, I can host a site using my PC!!! Currently using EasyPHP. But I’m thinking of changing it to individual package (Apache, MySQL, PHP) And I also want to setup a bittorrent tracker for the upcoming anime fansub group that I decided to help. Really happy now. 😀

Bittorrent Speed

I’m not sure why people keep saying that they get crappy speed on bt, and how to fix it. Yes, firewall can be one of the problem. But, if you done forwarding, etc, it would because of the stupidity! These people think that with BT, they can get very high speed. Duh! This is no … Read more


This is just another idea of mine. xD coz i saw several MMU online community, like MyMMU.Net The site is portal based, which i think very messy. Especially with side bar, and not-so-ease-on-eye skin/template. so, what is MMU-Online.Net? Well, since no one is using this domain, i think it is quite suitable for a MMU … Read more