Chinese New Year 2010

A bit late, but just want to note down things that I did this year’s CNY:

Eve of CNY: Family reunion dinner.

Day 1 of CNY: Visit Neoh’s house in the afternoon. Watch people play cards.

Day 2 of CNY: Visit Choon Hoong’s house in the afternoon. Play a bit of cards.

Day 3 of CNY: Reunion dinner with friends in the afternoon. After that, visit Huey Wuen’s house. Watch and play cards. Night went to Jackie’s place and fix her bro’s computer. But didn’t manage to fix it. :/

Day 4 of CNY: Noon went to Wei Chong’s house. Only few “kittens” there and stayed there only for a short while.

Day 5 of CNY: Night visit Engchi’s house.

Rest of CNY: Spend time with family!

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