Kad Mesra & Mesra Loyalty Card

Mesra Loyalty Card

Just changed my Kad Mesra to PETRONAS Mesra Loyalty Card recently… changing the card is quite easy, just go to any Petronas station and get the application form! If you have existing Kad Mesra, there are two options for you to choose from: Transfer the point to the new card or use the existing point to redeem things. I think it is better to transfer the point if you use Petronas regularly. You’ll get the new card on the spot once you submitted the form. Unlike the old card where you need to wait for few weeks to get it deliver to your home. And the new card look kinda cool too. :p

Kad Mesra and the Mesra Royalty Card

Btw, you can use the Loyalty Card with your credit card unlike the Kad Mesra where you cant! I guess it is good for those who use credit card to pump petrol… can get points from CC (depend on which bank la) and the Royalty card!

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