- Twitter is finally back! #
- Instant Japanese curry for lunch! #
- Hmm… Twitter still haven’t recover fully? I’m tweeting using TweetDeck but Twitter said it is via web… #
- The rain interrupted my sleep! #
- Serious Sam 2 is not as good as I expected #
- I cant find the option to turn off Safe Search in Bing. WTF? #
- Going to miss all the #E3 press conference ;_; #
- Raining heavily now… #
- @dannychoo you can use 3rd party app like TweetDeck to retweet. I doubt that retweet is an official feature… in reply to dannychoo #
- Cant keep up with the Nintendo #e3 press conference… need… to… sleeepppp… zzzzzzzzzzz #
- So many ppl apply the same job @_@ #
- @dannychoo your website down? #
- Had a farewell party for colleague at Domino’s #
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